CFDE once again provided another great Curling tournament experience. Between professional and amateurs, fun and prizes was guaranteed to everyone. We had the pleasure to enjoy the company of many of our industry colleges including our sponsors - Associated Grocers, Tree of Life, Lassonde, Acosta, Concord and Field Agent.
The afternoon started with a great lunch, which combined with all the delicious treats provided by our sponsors, gave our athletes extra strength to our friendly but real competition.
Our friend Jeff Shevchuk not only provided the rules of the game but also gave a free class to those that were not that familiar with the sport. There were 38 athletes grouped in 9 teams that competed for the grand prize, an incredible vintage Coors cooler and funny curling socks. All 38 participants got the opportunity to enjoy a prize and leave our event as winners.
The afternoon wasn’t only about the team competition. Everyone also enjoyed the fun of guessing the number of mini chocolate eggs in a container in the 50/50 contest. Jim Garand was the winner of the closest guess and took home $250.
To end the evening we were delighted by an amazing lasagna feast and desserts which closed the event with a golden key.
Curling was not only about fun games and prizes. Everyone that participated also helped CFDE to donate $500 to Calgary Food bank. Isn’t that amazing?
We would like to thank the CFDE board for the incredible evening and specially our Director Jennifer Allchin for organizing this event and taking care of all the details so everyone could have a great time.
We cannot wait to see you in our Golf tournament June 19th. This will also be a day full of fun and prizes. You will not want to miss it!